Wednesday, July 26, 2023

There are no coincidences...

So, as reported in my July 20, 2023 blog, Connect the Dots, by John Walsh's own admission, he was 'asked' to get to the Twin Towers scene:
"I was asked by George Pataki; Rudy Guiliani; the NYPD and the FBI to saddle up and come to Ground Zero..."
Why was John Walsh called to GROUND ZERO & the first to be boots on the ground by these main people & groups!

Was he chosen by the elites to be the main media on GROUND ZERO!

Was he sent by them for damage control to prevent 'things from being uncovered' that would have raised eyebrows???

Children saved from underground Central Park NYC

Central Park, NYC, April 2020

Warning!!! This video from April 2020 is extremely disturbing...use your own judgement as to whether you are ready and/or want to view the truth.

The evil in this world goes deeper than anyone can imagine!

The narrator for parts of this video is known as Gene DeCode.

Gene Decode is a former U.S. Navy decoder. He is recognized as one of the foremost authorities of Deep Underground Military Bases / D.U.M.B.s.

There are many tunnels around the world that are being taken out by D.E.W.s (Directed Energy Weapons). These weapons cause what feel like earthquakes.

A few months ago, tunnels in the Finger Lakes region of New York State were the target of the military employment of D.E.W.s. These tunnels were being used to traffic people including small children for satanic rituals.

Is this 'unearthing' of these children what was feared in 2001 and why John Walsh was so quickly summoned to the Twin Towers after the September 11, 2001 tragedy?

Was it indeed damage control because there were tunnels under the Twin Towers and Building 7 used for child trafficking that might be exposed.

What say you, Rudy and John???

If you want to know more about John Walsh, visit his daughter's Twitter page where she posts daily...

Here are are a couple of her more recent posts...

There are 3 more parts to the thread below from Meghan Walsh...please read all of them all!

Child trafficking and the involvement of Child Protective Services is very real. The world is not what you have been programmed by the fake news media to believe.

I have written several posts regarding CPS on my 'We The People' blog which can be viewed by a search on Schaefer [link]

Stop listening to the Main Street Media; they are not reporting the truth because they are complicit!

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