Thursday, July 20, 2023

Connect the dots...

End child sex trafficking, modern day slavery, satanic ritual abuse, and child sacrifice.


Military Tribunals have been occurring ..."
"What did Rumsfeld do at his?

He committed suicide at a military tribunal that held him responsible for the deaths of American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan, who perished while hunting for imaginary WMDs, on Rumsfeld’s orders.

RRN has learned that the military also intended to question him about his involvement in 9/11 and the “coincidental” destruction of Cantor Fitzgerald, a brokerage firm that did business with the U.S. Defense Dept.

That firm’s servers, destroyed in the collapse along with 650 employees, were said to hold proof that Rumsfeld had misappropriated $2.3 trillion of defense department cash to fund his personal “black ops” programs.

In fact, a day prior to 9/11, Rumsfeld admitted the Pentagon had inexplicably “lost” that dollar amount. He took a needle from his reading glasses that had a lethal dose of CYANIDE .... He died during the tribunal ..."

Maddy McCullough - Out of the Dark®️ πŸŒ” πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ πŸŒ•

"So the question I asked today was who do we think was the first on ground zero to cover the tragedy of 9/11!

After hearing from a birdie to look into John Walsh, this is what we found the last few days!

Listen to what Walsh says in the first fifteen seconds!"

John Walsh - 9/11 and Ground Zero

"I was asked by George Pataki; Rudy Guiliani; the NYPD and the FBI to saddle up and come to Ground Zero..."
This was eye opening today!

Why was John Walsh called to GROUND ZERO & the first to be boots on the ground by these main people & groups!

He was chosen by the elites to be the main media on GROUND ZERO!

We find this very odd!

Out of the Dark®️ πŸŒ” πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ πŸŒ•

Why is Walsh wearing this ring?

Find it very odd!

We have seen these rings before on other terrible elites!

Adam Walsh murder changed Florida and the US - JULY 27, 2021

What if I told you Adam Walsh did not die in July of 1981?

What if I told you he has been hiding in plain sight until recently?

His time has now be blunt - Game Over!

Et tu, Rudy??

There is so much more to this story, but I will leave it right here for now.

The corruption is very deep! There are many truths to be revealed; many truths will leave most people in total shock.

People you thought were good are just plain evil; people who you thought were bad, will end up being your hero!

Everything that is hiding in the dark will be brought to the light!


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