Thursday, May 9, 2024

The Choice To Know is Yours...


The DAVE XRP LION Show & TheDaveXRPLionShow - (Only Official Channels I Have

Before you continue to convince yourself that the information I post is merely conspiracy theories, you need to view the videos below regarding the False Flag George Floyd psyop and the Mandalay Bay shooting.

They think we are stupid; they thought they could lull everybody to sleep using the fake new media, music and movies.

However, some of us are wide awake and can see through all their bullshit; we chose to spend our time to try to wake up the masses.

Patriot Princess...

Is the truth about GEORGE FLOYD about to come out?

Check out my video I made back in September 2023👇🏼

Did you hear the Fox News host shut down Newt Gingrich when he mentioned George Soros?? What is Fox News hiding??

Next Patriot Princess posted the picture of George at his funeral. I posted that picture on my blog a long time ago.

George actually attended his own funeral; he was not killed as the media have you believe.

Continue reading Patriot Princess at this link to see the rest of the information she posted about George.

While you are there, I suggest that you follow Patriot Princess if you wish to keep up with what is happening.

Not everything that happens in Las Vegas stays in Las Vegas...

Let's here the real story about the Mandalay Bay and how it was actually an attempt to assassinate President Donald Trump...

EyeDropMedia - Posted May 9, 2024


Better get prepared for what is coming...if you think nothing is happening or will happen, you are kidding yourself!!

The truth will shock the world; some is being released slowly to ease the pain because the truth is worse than you can even imagine.

You have a choice to either pay attention, start following some of the links I post, or you can sit back and wait until the hammer drops.

I couldn't express it any better than Patriotic Princess did...
☝🏼you guys say I came out of nowhere… NOPE!!! I’ve been making truth videos for over a year now… I dropped these videos back in November.

Now look at what is happening in the United States right now with the IVY League schools and all the HAMAS protests… this is a repeat of what happened on May 25, 2020

Yes…White Hats are in control now but they are showing you all the chaos is funded and planned by George Soros and the satanist zionist cabal!!!

Governor Tim Walz and Mayor Frey of Minneapolis knew the George Floyd event was going to take place, they helped plan and fund the deep state cops and actors!

now watch May 25, 2024 … there could be a major event take place around that time

When awakened Truthers say “you are watching a movie” we mean you are living through and witnessing THE GREAT REVEAL

You want the truth??? The truth is ugly and scary. You are witnessing the TRUTH right now in front of your face.


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