Saturday, March 23, 2024

We will expose them ALL...


On August 8, 2017, Kendall exposed how she was born into human trafficking for child sex slavery and rituals for some of the richest and most powerful people in the world.

She revealed that her parents gave birth to her to give her to a man that they gave ‘ownership’ of her. Kendall stated that some of his clients had their own island ‘just to hunt them.’ She said it was many girls like her and that they would be flown on private jets, that her birth parents convinced her that she was ‘lucky’ and molded her into accepting this cruel fate.

She said one of her first memories was ‘thinking it was normal for men to fondle babies.’ Kendall confirmed that her ‘owner’ made her act like a dog, and eat feces, she was kept in a cage, and was electrocuted for punishment and told her that it all was happening because it was ‘God’s will and God made her for this.’

Dr. Phil, a pedophile himself, was brought into the fold by none other than Oprah Winfrey, a Luciferian child sex trafficker who profits from death and destruction, just like she did in Lahaina, the town burnt to the ground in Maui, Hawaii. This was clearly damage control, and by this Im not saying Kendall is part of it, her story rings true.

Look at the date! Keep in mind this was little after the murders of Monica Petersen, Mark Salling, Chris Cornell, and Chester Bennington - People who, for different motives, were ready to blow the lid on those close to them who had been partaking in these atrocious acts.

This was one of the things I posted before being nuked from my previous Instagram account, to close to the truth perhaps?

Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, Tom Hanks, Kevin Spacey, Oprah, Naomi Campbell, Les Wexner, David Geffen, The Clintons, The Podestas, Steven Spielberg, Marina Abramovic, Dasha Zhukova, Vicky Cornell, Talinda Bennington, Heidi Klum, James Franco, Courtney Love, Mike Shinoda, Jay Z, I see you all.


(Deep Underground Military Bases)


Here's one of the "Weather Experts" people are listening to! Gotta love Senator John Kennedy!!

"“There was never a second of any day that I didn’t believe that that election was rigged. It was a rigged election and it was a stolen, disgusting election, and this country should be ashamed. “We’ll see how it all turns out. You know, we’ve been right about a lot of things.”"

Patriot Princess

TIMBER - IT'S GOING DOWN (The Kennedy Grandchildren)


Riders on the Storm - The Doors HD

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